Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Assignment #3 Part 2- Nerf Dart Gun Rifle

Part of being an efficient modeler is knowing how to re use your parts, and modify them quickly to create new models.

Assignment Guideline lines- Take your model that you created for the Super Soaker Rifle project, and modify it to become a Nerf Dart gun rifle. Modify existing parts by changing vertices, using scale, and extruding faces. This could mean getting rid of the water containers, and adding other elements. You will also need to create a couple new parts, and model extra pieces that will aide in the adaption of a new design. (This Dart Gun rifle) should look different from your original Super Soaker rifle.)

When finished assign other materials, and shaders to make your Nerf Dart Rifle different from your Super Soaker render.

Here is some sample reference of other parts you could create to add onto your rifle. Scopes, flash lights, laser pointers, etc, etc.